Sunday, September 11, 2011


So my host father is very into cycling. Last night he asked if I would like to go bike riding today. I like bike riding, so I said sure! We left around 10:15am this morning and just returned at 1pm. My sister Karla came along too, but she used roller blades instead of a bike. This was wayy more intense than I had expected!

On Sundays, the main street Rio Amazonas is closed off in one direction for bicyclers, people rollerblading and walkers/runners. The hours are from 8am-2pm. The ride back was a bit easier because there weren't as many hills to ride up. I have a terrible cough/runny nose right now so it was very difficult to breathe. At times I was coughing like crazy that I almost lost control of my bike a few times. hahah

Luckily there were no falls on this bike ride today. However, I did see a teenage girl completely lose control of her bike and hit the ground hard. Scary! 

I'm not sure how far we biked, but it took us close to 3 hrs. Muy intensooo. I feel like we saw all of Quito. I biked down towards the historical center, right where my sisters apartment was. I passed La Mariscal and I also made it into the south part of Quito. I'm hoping to try and go for a run next Sunday on the street. The beginning part is very flat so I would have no problem running on it. 

As for my most recent post, I dedicate this section to my mother who can't seem to understand the culture of Ecuador. She seems to have a "problem" with the way I describe my experiences in full detail. The point of my blog is to expose others to a culture different from their own. I appreciate all kinds of cultures, and love to learn/hear about new things. I am also a very detailed writer and I like to be able to paint a picture in my audience's head. It's the best way for them to fully grasp everything I have been doing here. My mother thinks the description of my CUY experience was too gory. How can you possibly try something like that, and not want to share it with others? It's an ancient tradition practiced in Ecuador and I think it was an awesome learning experience. So for those who enjoy my detailed descriptions, I can assure you I will continue to write more! As for people like my mother, skip over it and move on. Muchassss gracias =]

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